Home » Google PPC Vs Zillow Leads Real Estate

Google PPC Vs Zillow Leads Real Estate

Knowing the difference between Google PPC vs. Zillow leads can help you with your real estate efforts. Google PPC refers to pay-per-click, meaning you only pay Google for the ad if someone clicks, so you won’t lose money if your ads don’t draw attention. Such an approach also means Google will show your ads to people more likely to click on them, so they don’t go to waste and try to send the ad to everyone, causing negative impressions.

Zillow.com clarifies that it has a setup that lets you connect with people looking into regional properties. Such a setup enables you to connect directly with those who want to purchase property, helping you get more leads. As a general rule, you should look into multiple sources for leads so you don’t become reliant on one, which can lead to problems in the future if the real estate market slows down.

As you look into more resources to help you get leads, we offer a guide that helps people with their search engine optimization (SEO). SEO refers to getting more people to find your website when they search different keywords online. As you look into SEO and learn the best ways to utilize it to reach more leads, you’ll find yourself increasing your revenue, so call now for more details.

  • Spend time looking into Google PPC vs. Zillow leads for your real estate efforts.